Top 10 Air Travel Tips!

You may plan to fly to your next destination but are you longing for it? If you are worried that you may have a cumbersome trip, try following these simple tips for a more comfortable flight trip.


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1. Consider Your Seat Choice

Choose a seat in advance, one that suits your preference: If you plan on taking a nap, pick a window seat to avoid disturbance; if you get up a lot, choose an aisle seat; if you are tall and would wish to stretch your legs, go for an emergency exit seat. Avoid seats near toilets since you will have people regularly queuing by to your seat not to mention the bad odor.

2. Plan for Entertainment

To fight boredom, bring your favorite pastime. Consider a selection of books, newspapers and magazines. You could also carry a portable music player that is fully charged or with extra batteries.

3. Pack a Few Extras

There are several constraints on what you can take through the security gate, but snacks, and a bottle of water are allowed. For a chance to enjoy a good sleep on a long flight, consider bringing along a neck rest. Packing wet wipes can be handy in case you need to freshen up, or a drink spills on you.

4. Label Your Luggage

Ensure you have a luggage tag with your name, phone number, email address and home address in case they get lost. You can also give your luggage a unique sticker, ribbon, or tape that can be easily identified at a glance to avoid other passengers confusing it with theirs.

5. Dress Appropriately

Settle for a dress code that is comfortable and suits your destination climate. You should also consider wearing less so that you have less to take off at the security gate. Avoid clothes with metallic buttons or other objects that may trigger the buzzer. Light, loose-fitting clothing is more comfortable, and a jumper is necessary in case the air conditioning gets too cold for you.

6. Arrive on Time

Confirm your booking details and arrive at the airport on time. By doing this, you will have ample time to adjust the weight of your luggage. Although you may wait for some minutes after arriving early, you will be relaxed thus not being a victim of panic and confusion.

7. Stretch Your Legs

Sitting down for too long can result in stiffness. You can walk up and down the plane aisle to boost your circulation, protecting you from Deep Vein Thrombosis.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

If you feel your seat is uncomfortable, request to move to a more comfortable position. In case you suffer from any form of discomfort, tell the air steward.

9. Be Nice and Friendly

You may be firm and direct to strangers but being helpful and friendly can take you a long way. Maisie Lynton youtube channel recommends that you be polite at the immigration, with the stewards, and at the check-in desk and you will experience a much quicker and better service.

10. Relax and Sleep

Trying to stay awake during flights to prevent the effects of jet lag may turn out to be strenuous. A good sleep could leave you feeling much better and refreshed for a better part of the remaining journey.

Sometimes you hope to have an adventurous flight but it turns out to be a tough hustle. Following these tips firmly will give you an easy time during your flight.


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