Comparing Laser Skin Tightening to Other Treatments

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Comparing Laser Skin Tightening to Other Treatments

Wrinkles are a normal part of the aging process. Seeing them every time we look in the mirror is just not acceptable anymore. You don’t have to put up with it. There are many treatments out there to avoid the aging of our skin. The problem then becomes how to find the one that will work best for you. Consider the other options, then consider laser skin tightening.

Laser Skin Tightening


Hiding Behind a Mask
One way to keep from seeing wrinkles is to mask it with a cosmetic foundation. These can “fill in” the lines of wrinkles temporarily as you go about your routine. The problem with this is that the makeup will cost you in several ways. The expense of purchasing a good quality foundation adds up quickly. There is also the cost of what it does to your skin with daily use. To effectively cover the wrinkles, you have to apply a fairly thick layer which has a significant risk of causing other skin conditions.

Topical Anti-aging Creams
One way to remove very mild aging signs is by using topical creams or lotions. There are an extraordinary number of them available as an over the counter purchase, but there are few that actually work. If the cream doesn’t specify that it contains anti-aging ingredients or epidermal growth factors, then it is nothing more than an expensive moisturizer for your skin. In fact, the few lotions that contain these ingredients take as much as three months to see the results with continued use and even then, the actual results may not even be visible to the naked eye.

Surgical Options
Surgery should always be your last choice. If you can avoid surgery using non-surgical procedures, then you must do so. Unfortunately, some people have no other viable option. Severely wrinkled and sagging skin often cannot be treated by any other method except a face lift or by surgical removal. While this method has the most significantly noticeable results, it is fraught with high risk factors and major recovery time. Never seek this option without your physician’s approval as the major risks involved are just too serious.

Laser Skin Tightening Procedures
If you want results you can actually see with minimal downtime and nominal side effects, consider a laser skin tightening treatment. This procedure uses a cosmetic laser, or more specifically infrared light energy, to penetrate the skin down to the deeper layer where collagen producing cells exist. The laser heats these special cells to stimulate collagen development. Collagen is an essential ingredient for skin rejuvenation. As we age, our body produces far less of it, which then makes our skin wrinkle. By encouraging the cells to produce fresh collagen, the cells can work to heal themselves. While you will see noticeable results right away, you won’t see the full extent for about three weeks.

Acne Treatment in Toronto

Since this type of cosmetic laser is a non-surgical procedure, it doesn’t require a long recovery time. Nor does it damage the surface of the skin causing bruising and the like. At most, there are nominal side effects such as slight reddening or mild swelling of the skin, but these are temporary and not a major nuisance.

Keep in mind that more than one session may be needed, depending on how deep your wrinkles are. The certified laser technician at your local clinic should be able to determine that at your first appointment. If this sounds like the right treatment option for you, just make certain to discuss with your personal dermatologist before hand as they know your skin best.


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15 thoughts on “Comparing Laser Skin Tightening to Other Treatments

  1. This is amazing! I don’t need this (yet, only 21!) but I know I’ll look into it in the future!

  2. it’s very interesting. I’m a big baby about downtime so I will probably just get wrinkly. I live in Palm Beach though, so my opinion is def. not the norm. 😉

  3. Laser skin tightening sounds really amazing. Will try to get more information about it too!

  4. There are so many different treatments out there, but I have never heard much about the laser treatment. It definitely sounds like a great option.

  5. I heard about this laser skin tightening treatment and sounds like a nice option. I will share this.

  6. Wow, this is so nice. I never had a skin treatment before, but I will recommend this to my mom!

  7. I’m a former model so I actually have many model friends who have had the laser treatment done. If you have the money it definitely makes a difference!

  8. It’s good to hear about different types you can try. I’ve never tried anything like this before.

  9. It’s great to see all these wonderful methods. I bet the laser skin one is amazing. I’ve never had any laser surgery or anything like that before.

  10. So glad and thankful for our technology for having some new things to make it simple, easy and beautiful things like this. It sounds a great method for awesome solution.

  11. Thankfully I have a few years before I need to really worry about skin treatments but I love that options are out there. I always say you only live once, you should be happy in your skin!

  12. I’m glad there are so many different methods you can try. Laser tightening sounds like an awesome solution.

  13. Its good to hear that we have a laser treatment already. I want to learn more regarding on it.

  14. I would never get surgery to make myself look younger, it’s never an option for me. It’s nice that we have laser treatments instead, it’s non-invasive and definitely safer.

  15. I’ve only be using topical anti-aging in the last couple of years. I don’t know if I see a difference, but if keeps my skin looking younger longer, I’ll stick with it. The laser treatments sound interesting. I like that you see results quickly.

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